
Our Programs

Our programs take a holistic approach to learner’s development.

Body – Sex Education

Learners receive sex education to better understand their bodies. They are encouraged to make informed and safe decisions surrounding sex. Other issues such as NCDs, STIs and Diabetes are highlighted. Menstruation is a focus in order to normalize this topic, to begin to dispel fears and likewise any myths.

Pregnancy Prevention

The Pregnancy Prevention program focuses on equipping learners with knowledge around the causes, implications of teenage pregnancy (physically, emotionally and economically), as well as providing prevention strategies and insight into family planning and goal setting in an effort to mitigate teenage pregnancy.

Both male and female learners are equipped to identify high risk situations and apply the skills learnt, to make choices which will protect their futures. The participatory delivery methodology motivates learners to communicate openly about challenges they face daily. Content includes lessons which enable learners to:

  • Understand and internalize the challenges associated with teenage pregnancy
  • Define situations which lead to teenage pregnancy
  • Explain the social and economic impacts of teenage pregnancy on young girls and their families
  • Examine the female anatomy and the impact of teenage pregnancy on the body
  • Identify sexual assault, particularly rape, and apply strategies of dealing with incidents of rape
  • Apply pregnancy prevention strategies, through an understanding of birth control methods and their effects
  • Understand the reasons for terminating pregnancy and the physical and emotional implications
  • Consider what constitutes a healthy family, evaluate the role of family in society, and appreciate the effect of gender based violence on the family unit

This program coming soon: We are looking at expanding this program to also include support for young teenage families to ensure they return to school.


Learners understand how HIV is transmitted and how to protect themselves. Myths and stigmas surrounding HIV are addressed including fears, explaining the speed of transmission, and how factors such as drugs & alcohol, and lack of contraception can spread the disease. This is facilitated in both the schools program and the family support program.

Business Ignite

Business Ignite is designed to facilitate a shift from a dependency on external solutions such as social grants; towards equipping young people with the skills to alter their environment.

The program also focuses on enhancing self-worth as learners begin to appreciate themselves as assets to society and are subsequently motivated to make better life choices, creating a virtuous circle as they strive to achieve their goals.

How we achieve this:

   1. Igniting Business Mindset

   2. Idea Generation & Market Research

   3. Marketing & Customer Service

   4. Finance & Costing

   5. Business Plan Development

This program coming soon: We are looking at also including employment readiness and artisanal skills development programs.


Community gardens are established to provide fresh vegetables and increase food security. Learners better understand nutrition and how to maintain a balanced diet.


Learners value and protect their community. They understand their responsibility in keeping it clean, namely by recycling and reducing litter.      

Early Childhood Development

This program coming soon: ECD is crucial for preparing children physically and mentally to start schooling. This programme mobilises parents and support early learning and language development, nutrition, and children with disabilities.

Mobile Health

This program coming soon: The mobile health bus provides four primary services: general healthcare, optometry, oral healthcare and HIV/STI testing. This service provides children with access to services within the school hours without the hassle of parents having to take the day off work. It also provides confidentiality for students who are wanting to get HIV/STI testing without others knowing, as all services are provided under one roof. This ensures that students are healthy and can focus on their studies.


This program coming soon: Many schools, particularly, those in rural areas are lacking the required facilities to provide students with a safe and enjoyable school environment. The development or renovation of school facilities based on the specific needs of the school. This can include classrooms, kitchens, dining halls and ablution blocks. There is also the development of houses for the surrounding communities.

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