

Following our HIV&ME programme are extensive monitoring and evaluation, ensuring best practice throughout by constantly improving our work.

Our Impact

From our feedback it becomes clear that the limited engagement of an 8 lesson program has a profound impact on the way these youths (particularly girls) view the world and themselves and the way they operate in it. Our job is to reinforce that messaging, and to make sure that they have the confidence and the skills to continue feeling in charge of their lives.

We structure the monitoring and evaluation of our programs through the following methods:

  • Pre and post implementation KAP surveys with learners to review changes in KnowledgeAttitude and intended Practice
  • Telephonic support and monitoring of in-classroom lesson delivery
  • Workshop evaluation with educators on training workshop, program content, methodology and facilitator competence
  • Qualitative feedback from learners, educators and school management
  • Interviews and focus groups with leaners, educators and school management
  • Impact assessment through stakeholder indicator analysis
  • 83% of learners said that after attending the lessons, they understood that girls can also carry condoms and think it’s a good thing
  • 85% of learners reported a willingness to encourage others to learn about HIV&AIDS
  • 78% of learners felt more confident to ask a partner to use a condom
  • 81% of learners felt more confident about taking an HIV test
  • After attending ResponsibleME lessons, 90% of learners felt more confident to say “no” to sex

As a result, the following statistics show the success of our various programs:

From the educator’s perspective, the response to the program has been excellent as evidenced by an overall workshop satisfaction rating of 94.5%, a 91.4% rating on content and 95.8% rating on facilitator knowledge and style. On a qualitative level, educators show an appreciation for the knowledge, skills and content required to train learners and the opportunity for them to share their own personal fears in a safe, open and informative environment.

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